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How to Save a Document in PDF Format

In most parts of the world, one of the most accepted and ready acknowledged formers of documents is the PDF of documents. When being created however, which documents do not initially pick up the format of a PDF but almost always will take the formative either a Word document or a text document format. Therefore, in most cases they created what document and text document almost always needs to be converted to a PDF format which is more widely used and accepted in most countries, cities and corporate organizations. There are several options that one could explore in order to convert a document in word format or document in text format to becoming a document in PDF format which is more popular and more acceptable.

An alternative that one can pursue in order to change a word format document or text format document into a PDF format document is through the use of the Microsoft Word software that is installed on personal computers and laptops that use Windows as their operating system. Microsoft Word software provides users the option of creating and formatting the document as a Word format document and after that done working on the documents can save it as the PDF through the “save as” provision that is found in Microsoft Word installed optionally in personal computers and laptops using Windows as their operating system. Using Microsoft Word to convert a word format document or a text format document to a PDF is probably the most popular and widely used method and this is because of how popular Microsoft Word is across the world and the number of people who on a daily basis use Microsoft Word to create and edit documents.

Common with software used to editing videos and software used to edit photos is the “save as” feature which enables the users of this software to save their work in the PDF document format in order to further distribute their work to a larger crowd of people compared to the other formats that the same software provides the users with.

Adobe Acrobat Reader is a software that is arguably the most popular when it comes to accessing and reading documents that were created and later saved in PDF document format. This software, in addition to enabling people to read PDF format document, allows them to convert the nearly any other format of document into a PDF format document. For people who own personal computers, mobile devices that can access the Internet and house mobile applications and laptops, Adobe Acrobat Reader is highly recommended as it is sold for zero dollars and the Internet meaning that anyone who desires can only this particular software.